SourceData SmartTag web tool

SmartTag provides methods to tag text from figure legends based on the SourceData model.

See also:

SourceData - a semantic platform for curating and searching figures.
Liechti R, George N, Götz L, El-Gebali S, Chasapi A, Crespo I, Xenarios I, Lemberger T.
Nature Methods (2017) 14:1021 doi:10.1038/nmeth.4471

Demonstration of SmartTag:

Base URL

Complete annotation

Method to perform the complete tagging of a text, including panel segmentation, typed entity tagging and role prediction.

Request: GET | POST /smtag

URL Params:


$ curl ''

<smtag><sd-panel><sd-pretag type="organism" type_score="62">A</sd-pretag> <sd-pretag type="geneprod" role="intervention" type_score="96" role_score="91">Creb1</sd-pretag>-/- cell.</sd-panel></smtag>

$ curl ''

<ul><li class="sd-panel">A <span class="sd-tag geneprod type_score_9 intervention role_score_8">Creb1</span>-/- cell.</li></ul>

Tag entities only

Method to tag entities.

Request: GET | POST /entity

URL Params:


$ curl ''

<smtag>A <sd-tag type="geneprod" type_score="68">Jun</sd-tag>-/- cell.</smtag>

curl ''

A <span class="sd-tag geneprod type_score_9">Creb1</span>-/- cell.

Role prediction only

Method to predict the roles from pretagged content.

Request: GET | POST /role

URL Params:


curl -G '' --data-urlencode 'pretagged=<something><sd-tag type="geneprod">Atg4</sd-tag> levels in <sd-pretag type="geneprod" category="" type_score="68" irrelevant_attr="hello">Creb1</sd-pretag>-/- cell.</something>'

<something><sd-tag type='geneprod'>Atg4</sd-tag> levels in <sd-pretag irrelevant_attr='hello' type_score='68' role='intervention' type='geneprod' category=''>Creb1</sd-pretag>-/- cell.</something>

Note: only elements are updated.

curl -G '' --data-urlencode 'pretagged=<something><sd-tag type="geneprod">Atg4</sd-tag> levels in <sd-pretag type="geneprod" type_score="68" irrelevant_attr="hello">Creb1</sd-pretag>-/- cell.</something>' --data 'tag=sd-tag'

<something><sd-tag type='geneprod' role='assayed'>Atg4</sd-tag> levels in <sd-pretag irrelevant_attr='hello' type='geneprod' type_score='68'>Creb1</sd-pretag>-/- cell.</something>

Note: only sd-tag is updated because of the tag=sd-tag parameter


Tag entities and predict roles

Method to tag entities.

Request: GET | POST /tag

URL Params:


$ curl ''

smtag>A <sd-tag type="geneprod" role="intervention" type_score="95" role_score="75">Creb1</sd-tag>-/- cell.</smtag>

$ curl ''

A <span class="pre-tag geneprod type_score_9 intervention role_score_9">Creb1</span>-/- cell.

Segment panels only

Method to split the text of a figure legend into individual panels.

Request: GET | POST /panelize

URL Params:


	<sd-panel>(A) This is a panel.</sd-panel>
	<sd-panel>(B) This is differnt from (A) or (C).</sd-panel>
	<sd-panel>(C, D) The rest.</sd-panel>

    <li class="sd-panel">(A) This is a panel. </li>
    <li class="sd-panel">(B) This is differnt from (A) or (C). </li>
    <li class="sd-panel">(C, D) The rest.</li>